Tuesday November 2, 2021
I m a n e n c i a
A i m a n e n c ia
I m a n e n c ia
1. Brazil as a sovereign country is well aware of its roads and trails, the common good, democracy, constitutional laws, its national values, its good will, its abundance in the countryside, its exuberant flora and fauna are immanent in itself, its immense topography, its solidary cities and the will of its people to progress, preserve nature and become sustainable. What has hindered him for decades is his systemic policy, bordering on the compulsory illegitimacy of many of his parliamentarians, a paradox since those elected by popular suffrage end up legislating in a motu proper or party, an insult to the same sane people who elected him. The result couldn't be worse: systemic corruption contaminated its vital artery, a bunch of nasty actions appeared and the Public Ministry denounced them, the Federal Police worked hard, and universal history had never had any news of such corruption and the conclusion was peremptory : many majors went to jail. Chaos theory, I don't think, is the deliberate chaos that is rampant in the Federative Res Publica bordering on huge social upheaval.
2. A critical view would be interesting to bring to light our conversation, as society and its addiction to appearance and exteriority largely corroborated this strange situation. If there were more ethics and seriousness behind the leaders, we would not have reached where we are, we left the rope loose, we did not follow the decisions of the respectable ones... Now the fool is done, and the school of public money spree has been gaining adherents while the people die the starvation of their latent dreams of freedom and common sense. Hope has faded, the claw and vigilance has blunted, now that the snakes are bred and have spawned it is difficult to appeal to power. The current chapter of Brazil brought with the Lava Jato investigations terrifying revelations and a colossal breach of public accounts appeared, corrupting and corrupting hand in hand, hurting the constitutional rights and self-determination of the Brazilian people.
3. They wanted to have the money from the public treasury and succeeded, my God, what an amazing bravado, they forgot the human being, the homeland and everything else. Some shameless merchants from the sacred temple of the Federative Republic. They alone developed pernicious abilities and built another country for themselves! A country of deceit, shady dealings, a protectionism of its obscure acts that today reveal themselves in all their unpatriotic hideousness. They ruined democracy, caused the multiple bankruptcy of institutions, fell into disrepute and reaped the general abomination of more than 2010 million Brazilians.
4. They relativized their joint actions, and with the hunger of a thousand dragons devoured the public funds, patrimony of all, but they did not have the acumen of the same people they had deceived for decades, and the very rope they wove, ironically, was used in June from 2013 when the good Brazil sparked a huge movement to retake root democracy and the results are noticeable to this day. And that rope ended up being used to hang each other. Our cultural roots, common sense, and the plain character of Brazilians are making a difference, and from yesterday's apathy, a renewed and vigilant race emerges, henceforth not letting anything pass, and the National Moralization begins to win the war to perpetuate the future a truly sustainable and fair country for their sons and daughters scattered across this continent nation.
5. The ideological note of sovereign streets no longer passes through the so-called left or right, no! They had their precious time and failed in their goals, the vibe is different, it is based on constitutional laws, on good will, on certainty and the commitment to fulfill the latent dream of freedom and common good. The expectation, after leading these and these unappreciative people from politics to the drain of history, will be to clear the threshing floor, the next step will be for national civic union around Brazilianness, and whoever or whoever wants to walk will lead the way in Brazil , from now on you'll have to sweat your shirt and show your service and never limp!
6. Oxen and herds are passing by in the scenery of this beautiful and promising nation, but this whole gang has dug its abyss with their own hands. And the giant green, yellow, blue and white, if he could, he would advance the clock to see a new time, a new everything for the greater good of his people. Then we will be able to return to chatting about the time of the ox cart, the illuminated cross, the terreirão of Jorge Warrior. The current phase of this exponential negativity will pass and blow a fresh and airy wind of common sense and social well-being in my backlands, cities and Brazilian people.
São Paulo, November 2, 2021
poets of the people for Brazilianness
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