The veil of ecclesial unbelief x gradual perspectives... ('it's all of us') 1. Oh! Brazil, how many wasted potentialities, how much madness in its continental territory, how many funds hoarded with impunity, how much chaff mixed with wheat, how much soil riches, how much bio diversity, how many ill-fated institutional turbulences, how many false appearances of civic love from these and these people of pharisaic spirit who uses public office to steal the mother country, federative republic. With some great contempt, the PEC Fura Teto is already going to disturb the financial life of the people, none? Perverse attitudes, venal to the whim of the situation. Ç 2. She, the poor nation, faints every day, the news say so, with true rumors of past corruptions carried out by agents who today return to Nababesque power. Economic questions hang over its horizon, all of it from north to south, east to west clouded by thick clouds, and there is no statesman who can make them dissipate for the good of the people and the beginning of a truly good new era for everyone. 3. The greater common good inherent to its more than 215 million inhabitants escapes their calloused hands from autumnal effort, their face drips with icy sweat, their legs weaken and the sleeping giant in their chest dies of unhealthy stagnation. 4. And there are reasons to assume that the situation of the Res Publica borders on chaos, a chaos provoked with purposes that are hidden from the orderly people, in the speeches in the plenary sessions the intentions are almost not disguised and the confrontation between good and evil becomes ahead, the clouds laden with miasmas already announce the eschatology for a Brazil that should be solidary, fair, generous and warm, and it wasn't exactly the same throughout the exercise of its democracy. 5. Corruption did make a career, with honorary cause for many investigated in Mensalão and Lava a Jato, and for many others who have not yet appeared on the top list of new vendors of the sacred temple of the Canarinha republic. 6. Tortuous directions that are printed, and unpunished blason and nothing seems to change in the statistically majority Catholic nation on the planet. A revealing avalanche hangs in the air, and its destiny will once again be able to be defined by the Brazilian bishops in their social lecture, in their greater vision of the common good, justice and peace granted by the crucified two millennia ago on the salvific golgotha. 7. In their pastoral function, they undoubtedly possess the tools of secular prestige and where the pendulum of their decisions will tend towards the salvation of a land formerly called Santa Cruz. 8. In this is not a rhythmic resource of this quasi-poet from the streets of São Paulo, nor a momentary inspiration from any Monday. The problem exists outside the Brazilian fable and is more serious than one can imagine, resulting in proportions of sad and irreversible dimensions. 9. And I, who thought I didn't have to lecture in prose and verse, find myself in the middle of a whirlwind of theses elaborated in the past and that are beginning to take shape in the hands that should announce the gospel and not a worldly theology of liberation. 10. Going back to a time when many of you were not yet born, but there was already a conceptual scope of a so-called Liberation Theology haunting the Church of Christ, trying to reformulate the dogmas and truths of the Gospel from the 'critical' point of view. ', and society in its materialistic organicity. 11. At the present time, as Fr. Genésio - Frates', in which "the democratic institutions that characterize a rule of law are weakened", will be the perfect occasion for the Political Reform on the agenda. In my view, this so-called reform in three moments, pointing to a new constituent, would be reckless and would lead to an absurd hegemony of the party that now will dominate the dominant power. 12. This is where the CNBB and its prestige come into play, even contrary to the majority of the bishops, its leaders seem to really want to align themselves with 'the secularist reinterpretation of the Church', and for that purpose they would be able to collect signatures to press for fully approve the Political Reform. 13. It would be a kind of unreasonable imposition, starting with holy hands of pure evangelization, with the ethereal mission of directing the herd to the kingdom of the other world, the one that not even moths and thieves snatch for themselves. 14. The much publicized 'political hermeneutics of the gospel' as advocated by Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez seems to gain body and action in the ideals of the CNBB, paved by the OAB and a few other grassroots social movements. 15. The danger is in our beards a 'critical reflection' of society, a liberation that enslaves is reborn in the current Brazilian political conjuncture, redefining it, opposing it to the homeland and Christian tradition. 16. Most of the Brazilian people of a sensible and innocent character is not realizing what the puppets and ideologues of this political reform are up to, not even the bishops, continuators of Peter's truth are aware of the situation, one because committed to the salvation of the soul they leave political and social issues to
who is by law, another because in this secular society, politics walks in the antipodes of the successors of Christ. 17. And the Workers' Party, yesterday fragile and tergiverse, challenged in the sovereign streets by millions of non-compliant citizens, today rising to power gains quite an ally, its old friend, because from the ranks of the base ecclesial communities (CEBS) came many of its current leaders. In other words, what better thing could happen to the PT, than using the social weight of the Church to accelerate the process of transforming social structures, which have been devoured by years and years of corruption, we don't even need to say, but to verify... 18. Here is the dialectic, criticism and synthesis of Karl Marx about to immigrate to the Brazilian reality. So much so that they see in Leonardo Boff's pastoral a kind of 'organic salvation' in the last and sad analysis: using the Bible only as an instrument to lead the Brazilian people to revolt, to class struggle, in short! 19. A new cosmology is envisioned with this Political Reform Project and the outdated utopia of the São Paulo Forum to dream of creating 'the great Latin American homeland' and could come true in the coming autumn under the perverse baton of economic materialism. 20. And the future is clouded for more than 215 million Brazilians... it will be up to the citizens not to let themselves be carried away by this false appearance of true change, and to the bishops a lot of discernment in this action, because supporting Brazil means not accepting this ' project of political reform' and yes the peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ that is in the soul of the Brazilian nation. 21. If the present moment is bone, the future can improve, because 'we cannot cross our arms before the One who opened them prophetically on the cross'. In this way, dear brothers and sisters, the organic ecclesial disguise will fall to the ground and the veil of disbelief and skepticism will split in half and we will see the true face of Brazil and its gradual prospects of new time emerge in the Land of Santa Cruz under the blessed aegis of Virgin Mother Aparecida, Mystical Rose of Choice! What was written may seem confusing or surreal, but that is what is expressed in the free exercise expressed in the freedom to express an opinion as a citizen of the federative republic of Brazil. Do gradual perspectives await us all on the rectilinear curve of history? 23. Or will the veil of ecclesial unbelief cover the vast country, its virgin forests, its yearnings for a good world and its faith in the infinite Lamb? > Without hesitating I will choose the first one, because it is the face of Brazilianness, that peace in the countryside, harmony in the city, wealth on the table and faith in the chest. 24. The second alternative, mistaken in its erroneous view of the Brazilian reality, we know does not represent anything, not even the Brazil of all of us, only the hidden interests of an articulate minority. The Brazil that the people want, the Brazil of the sovereign streets is the authentic, self-determined country of the latent dream of freedom of Nóbrega and Anchieta and of so many others who left their trail of faith, hope and fiery charity here. in the style of the sacred Ubuntu of Blessed Mother Africa (that's all of us) 26. It is the Brazil of diversity in the federative unit with equal opportunities for all, the Brazil of bio-sustainability, not only economic but soulful, a homeland reflected in the greater common good with + security, + education, + health, and + much + exemplary punishment to the corrupt. A country constantly plugged into administrative probity, a country living up to its latent dream of freedom. 27. These sad and degrading episodes of today will cease, and sovereignty will prevail, democracy will be strengthened, and add a dash of modernity, without forgetting the country's values, and together leverage the giant in gradual empirical conquests. This blogger and his minimal author, united with the people on the sovereign streets, do not need a party or an interview, they aspire from the bottom of their hearts that this endless night of sadness moves away from Brazilian soil, that the full day of the Rosa Mística dawns, that is why this urgent appeal to the 'gathered' rhymes, the text in question is of an interactive nature and its dissemination will be appropriated in the fashion of the sacred Ubuntu of Mão África Bendita: 'are all of us' or we will be dragged incontinenti to other beaches that are not backwaters but galloping with disappointments. São Paulo December 12, 2022 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Patroness of Latin America poets of the people for the brasility

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