quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2021

concisa lovra

 concise lovra

I lived in São Paulo for a long time and learned in its intuitive corners to listen to the other, their opinions and worldviews, their reasons and inflections, in which democratic treatment and a pleasant empirical soul tasting were very good. So much so that I amassed varied inspirations, true friendships and a good deal of peaceful and productive contestation. And time passed, writings flourished, soirees diversified and yesterday's crowd became adults without ceasing to dream just like me. In the great Urbe I could be myself in the entirety of the word without questioning the human being like everyone else who daily came across the streets, squares and ends of the noisy metropolis, not exempt from so many worries but full of a thousand lessons. Then I went to my backlands Mar Sul Capixaba, I took in my luggage a lot of homesickness for São Paulo and its inhabitants, its cafes, bars, friends, cultural centers and Easter Churches. So in the baggage or carton pack my writings were also pampered. When I got there I thought it was time to let them know the light of an exquisite printed edition, phew! And it didn't work out, and with the grace of the good God, we are already in the sixth edition entitled: A Baia Brasil, which deals with domestic politics and its characters to keep the sleep of any Brazilian citizen aware who were born in a continent country with great possibilities for its people but of narrow-minded rulers throughout their homeland history. Society retains the sad memories of a recent past era of systemic corruption that erupted in its non-political fabric and almost bankrupted the country if the MP and the Federal Police had not acted quickly. As I was saying in this enunciated book, it was only possible because of the exercise of alterity that Cidade Bandeirante provided me with throughout my long and profitable stay. And today, in an inverse metamorphosis, Chrysalis has returned to its cocoon out of fear of the pandemic and the non-effective reaction of government officials at all scales to the invisible virus, it is a common fact. I understand the reasons my Brazilian people and the bonhomie of their lives are getting strange on social networks, since there is an absurd polarization in progress, a myth and another in the face badge of a wasted charisma.. How long the clash will continue, I don't know , but society does not look favorably on these unnecessary confrontations since the nau Brazil is going from bad to worse. In my view, there are many post-modern cervantes advocating causes that are alien to their feeling of Brazilianness and the common good. One thing is Continent Brazil and its friendly, orderly people, aware of their future destiny as a feasible and self-sustaining nation. Another part is the politics and its vices of taking unfair advantages, not being able to until the trap door jams. Some flirting with the capital, and strangers from the people and others with a notorious lack of tact and understanding of the reality of more than 210 million of its inhabitants. He has shifted the door lock once and for all and its creak is being heard by the silent crowds no less aware of the high risk situation in Brazil for 2022. The film ran for a long time in two decades ago and its screenwriters lost track of time and space. And the badge guys couldn't sustain their innate charisma talents. The myth came and nothing or almost nothing really and rightly took hold. We look forward to starting again now with the young people in a crystal clear voice and rhythmic with new blood coming from the true and legitimate power: the Brazilian people. I have said!

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  ‘ Seja mais simples que puder, sua vida vai ficar mais descomplicada e feliz!’ ...