1. Incredible because the topic of election and its legitimate democratic process has been in turmoil for a long time. The people holding the voting decisions (don't think badly of the quote), in their quadrenniums they are involved by party marketing and there was nonsense and after the election held, when sworn in, those in power forget their lesson from the polls and do not make the said tax reforms, legal, economic, etc. 2. At the time of the campaign, along with the billionaire figures of the party fund, the fashion of a universal UFC is faced. This, in my view, applies to all candidates who do not care at all about presenting serious and well-founded proposals for a future government and in this one he said that he told me they would offend the unwary opponents like the doctors of the law, keeping the divine proportions: ' CAPTEM EO IN SERMONE'. 3. And our peaceful people need to stop romanticizing this or that candidate erroneously, none? Lula> the guy and the captain> the myth, with all due respect to the former and current president contains another, they are human beings subject to errors. Because what the country needs is the creation of opportunities for young people, a decent salary, support for the most needy, a dignified retirement, respect for women, etc., appreciation of teachers and police, safeguards of the social order, an honest political class and to cut privileges. and carry out the necessary reforms. 4. In short, a Brazil that grows sustainably united around its federative constitution and that promotes the common good of the Brazilian people in the number of more than 2015 million sons and daughters of the gentle motherland. 5. That this shortage of heroes, skillfully manufactured for the people, gives way to serious and committed statesmen who, in practice, reflect honesty and uprightness of character, that end the politicization and judicialization in politics and the promotion of the happiness of the situation of the Brazilian people is the primary occupation of leaders. 6. And that the speech and action of the 3 powers really reflect the innate Brazilianness of this wonderful people with democratic roots that inhabit this part of the southern hemisphere called Brazil, 200 years independent! 6. Brazil has bad legs, arms and shoulders, so much so that the people no longer leave the sovereign streets, none? 7. They are still allowed to exercise their free expression, despite the shameful silence of the mainstream media, so undaunted at the door of the barracks, civically scrutinizing the horizon of the gentle motherland, despite the long manus of the judiciary, thanks, they are exercising one of their rights sacred fundamental rights, provided by its Federal Constitution. 8. When the history of this specific period of the year 2022 will be extended Latu Sense about this variable called unary operation when the lava and the cafica triggered an unprecedented mafuá to Brazilian democracy. That's it! rhyming hugs of civic considerations!

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