domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2022

The scoffing of root democracy and world peace

 Saturday, February 12, 2022

The scoffing of root democracy and world peace

The scoffing of root democracy and world peace

Sensible people, it's not fair that some gather for themselves privileges and perks with their high salaries, above the Brazilian reality. We have the most expensive senate and congress on the planet, while an expressive part of Brazilian society is in almost complete scarcity, the working class with tiny salaries, far below their high responsibilities, embittering a distressing situation that violates constitutional rights, teachers with salaries derisory, and the security forces putting their lives at risk to protect society as is the case with our military. A state that is massive in taxes, lacking in accentuated privileges, pays its political body high salaries, these leaders, by the way, live in their offices with hundreds of advisors, and who do not legislate in favor of the common good of the people, do not act in basic reforms. much less provide the country with conditions for sustainable growth. Elections come, elections pass and with each round of ballots nothing changes in fact and in law, only the voracious desire to consume public funds. Quite a sham the democracy from the roots It went back here on canarian soil to the time of the Rome of the Caesars and it's not long before panem et circenses become the priced reality in the federative republic of Brazil, none? We spent a sad period in our homeland history with the discovery of systemic corruption from a car wash, remember? A global deployment scheme that revealed a creepy thievery to the quiet people. And the taxes collected that never go back to general improvements. And the current government quibbles on many issues, seems to favor the return of the gang again. He lacks that diplomatic vision that marked the Itamarati throughout its glorious past trajectory. It lacks that prudence of serpents and that vigilance of eagles. Despite advances in Brazil with the improvement of federal roads by Minister Tarcísio Freitas, in other areas adjacent to the plateau there were many gaps and unfulfilled campaign promises. Despite the pandemic, Brazil followed its course and is now in danger of falling apart again. The financial market is already anticipating the scenario and if Lula's PT turns around, currencies will flee overnight. The opinion that people have and the freedom to express them allows us in their constitutional articles. We live in a time of climate catastrophes as far as the eye can see, in a terrible age of biohackers, of the moral and civic breakdown of society. We have dangers of war in Eastern Europe with Putin's fury in not accepting the collapse in the past of Bolshevik Russia. In fact, the socialism that enchants the kids here in Brazil is the same as in Cuba, Venezuela and there in Stalinist Russia and brings in its curriculum many deaths of dissidents. We have Western leaders without that tonal vision of planetary reality. But we have in the Mother and the Holy Virgin Mary the special protection in this time of extreme crisis, even if the global political incongruity takes from the planet the dreams of a greater and sustainable common good, supported by their promises signed in 1917 in Fátima, Portugal, we have active faith that the blessed time of wealth and full peace will appear on the curve of today's history. We know that this sad and eschatological reality will be removed at the opportune moment from the arcane wings and a new, more airy and happy everything will emerge for the human race. If we insist on poetry and why it's worth chatting with the wind and time... and in humble inspiration we were willing with you to idealize worlds, to try to change the directions of a universe in verses. 

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