sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2022

Brazil, how far your democracy ? And the Lavajatense Judge

 Saturday, February 5, 2022

Brazil, how far is your democracy? And the Lavajatense judge

 Brazil, how far is your democracy?

In its more than 8,510 square kilometers, with its fertile soil, peaceful, hardworking and intuitive people, owner of records and harvest records, of enviable in natura artis riches, this is the Brazil 'of a thousand charms'. So it was supposed to be that colossus of Brazilianness, that granary of bonanza for its more than 2013 million inhabitants. But the politics in the format it presents distorted the happy reality of its people and established an immense patronage of ill-gotten gains. And even now when I get ready to scratch these lyrics of poetic interaction, the political game is fiercely sketched and the untruths from here, from there, from above and below are presented almost minutely for the election of the current year of 2022. And many of them already disagree with the pre-candidate, judge Sergio Moro, from Lavaja. Why is there such animosity towards you? In fact, he didn't give a truce to corruption and today his legacy was compulsorily diverted right away. And they don't even disguise it anymore and I want to believe that with so many presidential candidates against the country's production, the time has come to pacify the nation with new people in power so that it and we can grow sustainably and have a voice and come in fact and by right. And this is likely to happen because listening to the people on the street so much I was convinced that time is different and society is discerning what it wants. All that remains is to appear a candidate consistent with the national desire and who, after being elected, will carry out urgent reforms of an institutional nature and Brazil will follow the correct paths of the right things this time and forget once and for all the sirens' song and not fall back into the same blunders from the past, none?

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