quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2021



It's only in Brazil that weird things happen and they don't even blush the faces of their interlocutors. They move there, turn sideways, go back and move forward in determinations to stop criminal actions. Efforts in null processes contaminate causes of annulment bringing a pocketknife kickback. This brings legal uncertainty because it wants to nullify the actions of judges against the corruption known as Lava Jato. Everything is really in turmoil in the minds of educated men of recognized legal knowledge. and on the other hand Mr. President Jair Bolsonaro is getting tangled up in his usual tactlessness. Brazil and its people urgently need dialogue, understanding, union for the cause of the country, protection for the people who have already suffered too much, and has the lethal virus affected the heads of our leaders? Now putting wood on the fire serves only to do the nation a disservice. The economy is suffering from this crisis, and the financial market is the pendulum of Bolsonaro's future permanence, do you doubt it? Do constitutional guards still protect the president? The opposition wants such impeachment, oh yes. Now that it's a mess, it is. And the people en masse showed support for the president, there were many people at the demonstrations on September 7th, as I was able to witness on Avenida Paulista. So why not make a safe and serious popular consultation on the subject? After all, the people elected him and the people have the right to decide. Who would have thought even the UN owner cares about us here?

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