domingo, 16 de maio de 2021

The evolution of power

 The   evolution of power

       It is not just today that the theme occupies a central place at the table of humanity, and there were so many and so many lenses on the subject that his theses locupleted shelves and more shelves throughout history, and continue to illustrate the theme. Celeumas apart today could fill the spaces of virtual and written media almost to infinity. “After all, what is wrong in the world”? Chesterton asks and answers in his unmistakable intuitive and penetrating style: - “myself!” Power, command, leadership, influences have permeated life in the land of men since ancient times, are changing hands, shape, geographic, historical and economic situation of each region, continent or people. But if we stop to reflect on it, we will see that in your guiding line, everything is the same: I command, decide, legislate, order, if you need to with the use of force, and you obey, and if you do not question it is better! And e and e and e e! ! ! ! ! ! I idealize utopias, maneuver the opinion of others, stagger, and direct concrete actions towards the proposed end, from time to time I eliminate foes, make spurious alliances, and within the scope of my reasons I always justify the means used. So it was, I think, so I am sure, and it will not be indefinitely. It cannot be that the Great Divine Orderer will allow to completely spoil his work of perfection called the land of men. But for now, there is still no sign of the arcane flocks that will restore everything and everyone in the universal compound of the good world of certain empirical certainties. Until then, what we have for today is this systematic breakdown of the human soul. In the Old Testament, divine ordinances were aimed at organizing the elected people into tribes and the guidance was in charge of the patriarchs, Kings Solomon and David are these archetypal righteous and kind rulers. The inspiration from on high came from the prophets, direct channels between the Hebrews and God. Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Amos, Micah, Habakkuk, Haggai, Nahum, Baruch, Joel, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Abdias, Joshua, Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobias, Judith and Esther, Job, Malachi, and Maccabees, Elias and Henoc, among many, punctuated Yahweh's will regarding the actions and intentions of his people, their interpersonal and collective relations. Other peoples also had their kings, some cruel, others fair and intelligent. Alexandre, the great and Ciro gave examples of a deep psychology, of an extensive vision and of boundless bravery. Despite not having the enlightenment of the Most High Lord, they followed their consciences and natural law for the sake of their kingdom and subjects, and made history in the ancient era in an amazing way. At the dawn of the Christian era, we came across them, always jealous of their positions, and deified in themselves. In the lofty Roma of the Caesars, Poncio Pilatos and Herod Tetrarch of Galilee, embody the dubious and cruel percussion of the ambition that will make systematic use of their sandals and helmets in the name of Pax Romana. And the guiding thread of history will watch throughout its evolution the same trajectory of thousands of them until touching our aphonic and escatalogical era, unprecedented in the memory of the times. But both Pilate and Herod, and later the Roman Emperors, will feel a touch of envy for Just Jesus, the humanized God, and when they face Him and his followers, under the pretext of appeasing their wicked consciences, they will seek the “truth”, the that will not actually occur. And colluding with the Pharisees' religious authority will culminate in the bloody crucifixion of Christ, and then with the ten tremendous persecutions in the centuries ahead. They did not imagine that they were facing the realization of the mystery of Human Redemption predicted by the prophecies, and that a new time of infinite forgiveness and kindness was dawning, which from the salvific golgotha ​​had begun the parusia of the good world that would last until the fall of the last dry leaf in the end of the centuries. And that his demonstrations of strength would be of no avail against the Author of creation and by extension to all those and those who believed and were always unconditionally united to Peter and his successors in the perennial profession to 'Christ the Son of the Living God ”It would be a matter of time, a time that has lasted more than two millennia until the gentle will of the Lamb and universal Shepherd is fully done in the land of men. The new organization of society, made Jesus very clear in his preaching on the shores of the Tiberian Sea, would be based on love, peace, harmony, donation and the exercise of the greater common good. He restored with the sacraments of his Church the missing link of the prophets, and opened the possibility of entering the kingdom of the other world, one that neither the moths, much less the thieves and potentates will steal for themselves. We live my people in a time disaggregated to the extreme of the extreme, no one in sane lucidity dares to deny, divine rights and the human dignity of the peoples defiled. And to think that the Creator of life filled with colors and enzymes, of seeds and landscapes all over the land, and made it a stage of horrors and evil will. However, the historical conscience of peoples and nations, which is asleep, when awakening will be hungry and thirsty for justice, then there will be a great reunion of Creator and creature, they will have a lot to talk about ... Many decisions to make, much longing to be revived, and a formal request for universal forgiveness from the creatures to the creator. It is the firm collective decision to live for the common good, and to make your land an antechamber to paradise. The nightmare of an eternal night is reserved for those and those who wounded God in the person of their sons and daughters ... And devastated the planet earth, and left it unrecognizable from its primeval work, and deprived it of the sacred right of its sustainability. It is not a figure of speech, but the crystalline truth that remains from the words of a God: ‘’ ’’ ’’ - “heaven and earth will pass away, but my word” of justice, peace, concord and the common good will not pass away!

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