sábado, 22 de maio de 2021

Taken CPI


taken CPI The pandemic worsening and the political show booming there in the National Congress. We saw a spectacle of interrogation that does not help the distressing situation of the Brazilian people at all. He does not even know why he certainly voted for these parliamentarians. In my opinion, the installation of the parliamentary commission of inquiry was a chance they saw to attack the current government (which is very cheap). It is that 2022 is on the doorstep and they already see some opportunity for future gain through the gap. It can only be given the volume of empty questions that goes nowhere ahead of the future steps of the current government. In fact, the people are tired of this way of doing politics. Some are trotters and spread kicks wherever they go, others walkers and if the MP is easy, they carry the big public purse far away from the people, oh there! And with the lethal pandemic, we are ready because those who should act to alleviate the pain of society do not do it right and stay there posing as good guys. However, her old siren song no longer enchants the young people plugged into the larger common good of 210 million people who want to see the right things sprouting everywhere like cannelloni flowers. We want to see a united Brazil in favor of its perennial ideals of wealth, sustainable progress, fairness in public accounts, peace in the countryside and in the cities, a smile on the face of our brothers and sisters, full solidarity with the less fortunate, in short we want everything that is good for everyone equally. The time has passed for these stupid clashes of the right, left and center, a lot of polarization delays the country, and the group that has been or is in power could have the greatness of soul to drop the bone because the marrow must be served to society as a whole and not to the maddened sesmaries of power. What else would be productive to say or the silence in the prayer seems to be more correct. Because we are watching stunned is a lot of synthetic energy wasted! 

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