domingo, 23 de maio de 2021


 stoned moment

Impressive how politics in its spiraling movement liquefied proteinated cravings in mere stools with no perennial value. And in the insatiable thirst for command, Brazilianity and the common good became a factor, absent from them the knowledge of their homeland history and tradition. Obliliteir the common sense and hid the wooden house, the mud and adogue. And in denying the temporality of the meritorious actions of others, he did not move forward in the realization of his dreams of a self-sustained homeland and plugged into constitutional laws. And the long strength of yesteryear today lies in a forgotten corner of the memory of its people. A country without a face and solid foundations of faith, civility, fairness and goodwill will be easily manipulated by one or more foxes hanging around everyone's purse. And the situation that is in the present was planted well before and these unfortunate developments have their origin in the opening when they elected to have power, to have the money in their hands to buy support and support in spite of the people's effort to pay heavy taxes. They were unaccustomed at the time of the fat cows and now that the little flour meowed loudly, their first pirão, ah ha. This film has already been shot a hundred times and will only change the version of its narrative when the people wake up and are able to return after the pandemic to the sovereign streets to vent the scream and to summon these insults from a devastating political structure.

Posted by Chaia Alvim Helder at 20:06 No comments: 

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