segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2021

Democracy wel understood

 Democracy well understood is the art of explanation, and it is the sacred exercise of otherness, it is the systematic opening to dialogue, it is knowing how to value hearing, consensus, it is respecting, even diverging, the powers constituted to generate harmony in the Nation. In any place of any people that values ​​a well-defined vision, it will be to contemplate the dialogue. It is the smartest way to govern. If this is not the case, it may become a boiling, confused and absolutist amalgam, in other words, the famous jargon "the State is me!" And it will not work! The people go to the polls from time to time to suffrage and delegate to their representatives powers of command with a view to their Common Good. So, if legitimacy comes from the sovereign polls, everything that diverges from this intention will distort the mission of representation in fieri. And he said what he said briefly to get into the pressing issue of combating the terrible pandemic of Covid 19.

In Brazil, as far as the situation is concerned, the people are not seeing a consistent and consensual confrontation in the case of the lethal virus that plagues the Planet Earth of Men! What can be seen and, well reported by the media, is that divergences are swarming everywhere and until now there is no strong cohesion on the part of the representatives endorsed by the popular vote.

So the conclusion of the sovereign streets is present even though separated, but together in one feeling, # we are alone and lacking in safe driving! There are those who say they are literally abandoned, while the Lords of the Command are appearing to be lost in the dark! Some want social isolation, others want loosening? There are, ah, those good citizens who cannot stay at home and go daily to find bread for their offspring. In short, we have seen so many directions, so many obscure opinions of reason. With each passing day brothers and sisters perish and many people lack everything and everything.

Where are the studied statesmen in this country? Why does each one in his sphere not shout, scream and groan in unison with 210 million + people afflicted in our Earth who see the thousand golden dreams of a good world being erased from their horizon?

Some comfort we have when throwing our Rosary in prayer seems: Save us oh Mother of Mercy, Virgin Our Lady of Aparecida! Unite them all and from this union cry out to the north, south, east and west winds: Save us, oh Christ, that we perish in the hands of this invisible and lethal virus. And we realize that the arcane movement will approach Brazil and the world to make this planet lighter and free from all evil, So Be it!

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