terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2021

Nigth of terror

 Tuesday, May 25, 2021

C a m a n g a

C a m a n g a

And in the decals and repressions of political wisdom, the national recall has not yet come. is that the people are protecting themselves at home and how they can use gel alcohol, maintaining social distance, washing their hands frequently and have not had time to reflect on the continued disrespect of the men of power. And when, when the proclamation ceases, it will assess the performance of all parliamentary actions and the government itself. This assessment will be made by the interested party the people legitimized by democracy. And then I want to see the result in the sovereign polls. Many repressed decals will lose their comfortable seats and others with new and rhythmic blood, due to the unspeakable voice of popular scrutiny, will arrive at the tribunes to strive with smoothness, accuracy and honesty for the sustainable growth of Brazil. After the annoyances of the CPI show show, the country, away from the ghosts of systematic corruption in the right hoax of a good walker, can spread unapproved opportunities for all young people, adults, retirees, in short, all of us in the joy of living in a strong and kind by the very nature that will know in the supply of correct actions to realize your dreams dreamed of sustainable progress from all points of view. CPI is for the weak of subtle incapacity who stay behind the congress tables pointing out flaws ... The people want to see is the gang to roll up their sleeves and earn for the common good of their people until the last consequences, always based on the constitutional laws and the respect to the powers, legitimately constituted and guardians of the root democracy. What we want to see is a vaccine on the arm of all Brazilians and all foreigners who have made their new home safe and happy here. Ah, the country’s history doesn’t let me lie when I say that Collor in a not-so-distant past and Dilma in recent days were spotted just like that, and will Bolsonaro be guillotined in the long night of terror that hit the National Congress there ? People write about it based on the freedom of expression offered to any and all citizens. But about the people's money that systemic corruption took not a word more Are they even wanting to suspect Judges of recognized work capacity, Will the huge pot of cotton soup be served again in 2022? The film has already been shot in the not-so-distant past and was not good for the nation as a whole, not to mention that which broke Brazil once and for all if the MP and the Federal Police did not act from a Lava Jato. Wake up Brazil otherwise the rope comes back with a stronger knot! God help us! Legal changes to the laws are still open to hit the plumb of so many things!

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